About Us

WorkHealth Jersey is led by Dr Chris Edmond, a local doctor with a wealth of relevant experience. Dr Edmond is supported by Dr Les Smith, a UK-based Occupational Medicine Specialist with many years of experience of providing OH support to a wide range of industries. Together we are dedicated to providing high-quality Occupational Heath services specifically for Jersey.

Dr Chris Edmond

As the Medical Director of WorkHealth Jersey, Dr Edmond has a wide-ranging background in both business and medicine. Dr Edmond is an Associate of the Faculty of Occupational Medicine UK, and is currently completing his MSc in Occupational Medicine with the University of Manchester.

Dr Edmond graduated in Medicine from the University of Cambridge in 2011, following a career change. In his earlier career Dr Edmond gained a 1st Class Honours Degree in Computer Science from Loughborough University, before going on to positions including strategy manager for a large corporate bank, service improvement manager in the NHS, running a web-design business and working as a mental health support worker.

Dr Edmond initially followed a hospital-based medical career and also holds the Membership Examination of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine. He continues to hold a part-time post in the Cardiology Department at Jersey General Hospital and is the governance lead for the department.

Dr Edmond brings a variety of skills and experience to his OH work:

  • He is appointed by the Minister for Social Security to carry out assessments for Jersey Incapacity Benefits and Income Support Impairment benefits, so has a deep understanding of the employment benefits system in Jersey.
  • Dr Edmond was the Clinical Lead for Personal Protective Equipment for the Government of Jersey in managing the COVID-19 pandemic. 
  • He holds the Certificate in Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome awarded by the Faculty of Occupational Medicine. He is also qualified to carry out statutory surveillance for workers exposed to Lead, Asbestos and Ionising Radiation.
  • Dr Edmond is qualified to carry out OGUK medicals for Offshore Oil and Gas workers as well as medicals for working divers.
  • His previous business career gives him a unique insight into the needs of businesses when engaging an OH service.

Dr Les Smith

Dr Smith is Specialist Advisor to WorkHealth Jersey. He is a Member of the Faculty of Occupational Medicine UK, an accredited specialist and consultant in occupational medicine, a Fellow of the Faculty of Occupational Medicine (Royal College of Physicians Ireland) and a Chartered Member of the Institute of Occupational Safety and Health. He has a background in General Practice and is a Member of the Royal College of General Practitioners.

He has served as a Senior Medical Officer in the Royal Air Force in the UK and overseas. He has also worked as a consultant family physician to the servicemen and their extended families for the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Defence and Aviation. He developed modern primary care systems and training for Saudi Arabian doctors in general practice and occupational health.

His previous positions have included Chief Medical Officer to Scottish Power Group, Head of Employee Health Services for Pfizer and UK Medical Adviser to Eon UK.

His role as a Chief Medical Officer involved managing large National and International occupational health services including physicians, nurses, technicians, physiotherapists, psychologists and health and wellbeing coaches. He realigned the in-house services to innovative, holistic, and forward-thinking Occupational Health and Wellbeing services incorporating total employee population health management.

His other clients have included Emirates Airline (Dubai), QinetiQ, Senior Aerospace, Shell, Abbott laboratories, Santander, Getrag-Ford, Takeda, Sanofi, Genzyme, Cummins, Cooper Vision, Cross Rail, and a vast array of Public Sector organisations throughout the UK.

He has specialist expertise in developing modern holistic occupational health and wellbeing strategies for client organisations using a wellbeing model he is credited for, taking into account the physical, social, economic, environmental and in particular the psychological aspects affecting staff wellbeing, productivity and performance at work. 

Our facilities

Our modern, accessible clinic is in the heart of the St Helier business district. Or we can come to you!

First class equipment, testing, and IT infrastructure

Our clinic rooms are equipped with the necessary state-of-the-art equipment for employee health assessment and surveillance, including:

  • Dedicated audiometry booth for hearing tests
  • Digital spirometry for breathing assessments
  • Automated vision screening including visual acuity, colour perception and night-time vision
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG) recording and reporting
  • Fitness testing using the Chester Step Test protocol

As you would expect we also have all the necessary facilities for general health checks including blood and urine testing, blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen saturation, weight and height measurement.

Through our close relationships with other local providers we can also arrange more complex testing such as echocardiogram (ultrasound of the heart), chest x-ray, or full cardiopulmonary exercise testing if required.

Our dedicated cloud-based IT infrastructure, OPAS-G2, is the recognised leader in OH systems. We can maintain an integrated confidential health record for all your employees, and give you access to an online management portal 24 hours a day to make and track referrals, receive advice reports, as well as the management information necessary for your HR department. We can plan health surveillance programs with you and ensure via our automated recall system, online appointment booking, and text message reminders that your employees get the checks they need.